The impact of cannabis legalization on youth consumption
, 5 min reading time
, 5 min reading time
Cannabis Legalization: Impact on Youth, Health and Debate - International Case Studies
In the wonderful world of politics, where debates are as spicy as a poorly dosed chili con carne, here is a subject that makes more than one head spin: the impact of the legalization of cannabis on our dear children. Concerned parents, perplexed legislators or simply curious people in search of clarification will find food for thought in what follows. From current trends to international studies and health and societal implications, this information will tickle your neurons as much as your sense of irony.
Have you ever wondered why cannabis is illegal in some countries and legal in others? It’s like world leaders are playing a giant version of “Do as I say, not as I do.”
In the United States, for example, the situation is as clear as an episode of Game of Thrones . Some states have legalized recreational use of cannabis while others still consider it a crime punishable by prison time.
In Canada, however, they decided to show a amazing logic and simply legalized recreational use throughout their territory. How audacious! So what impact has this had on youth consumption? Stay tuned to find out more...
Ah, the legalization of cannabis! A subject that makes minds smoke and eyes red. Since this little green plant was decriminalized in some countries, we have observed an interesting trend among our dear teenagers. It seems that once the ban is lifted, the joint loses its shine. We could almost see a joint languishing at the bottom of a drawer, murmuring: "I'm not cool anymore". According to some serious studies (and not carried out under the influence), cannabis consumption among young people tends to decrease where it is legalized. Who would have believed it? And yet, it is not for lack of having high-quality local products! Our national producers work hard to offer a French product that is competitive with foreign varieties . But here's the thing, it's like with Camembert: even if we love it and know it's good for us (or not), when everyone can have it easily... well it becomes less exciting. So yes, ladies and gentlemen! Prohibition seems to be the dealer's best friend, while legalization would be that of worried parents ... Ironic isn't it?
Embarking on the cannabis adventure at a tender age is like playing Russian roulette with your health. According to a study published by The Lancet in 2017, the legalization of cannabis has led to an increase in its use among young people aged 18 to 25. The associated adverse effects are numerous:
THE cbd and THC are two sworn enemies from the same cannabis family. The first is known for its therapeutic virtues , while the latter is famous for its psychoactive effects that make heads spin faster than an amusement park ride.
The legalization of cannabis has not facilitated access to care or improved prevention programs for our dear adolescents. On the contrary, it seems to have thrown the doors wide open to this controversial green plant without providing enough equipment to navigate these troubled waters.
Ah, the proponents of legalizing cannabis! They see this lush plant as a miracle solution to many ills. According to them, its Legalization would allow more effective control over its quality and therefore a less dangerous consumption for our dear little ones . In addition, this could generate significant tax revenues .
On the other hand, the detractors of this idea are not far behind. For the latter, legalizing cannabis would be like opening Pandora's box: the potential increase in the number of road accidents linked to the use of cannabis and the increased risk of addiction among young people are among their main arguments.
Have you ever wondered why Canadians are so polite? Maybe because they legalized cannabis . Since 2018, our friends in the North have been able to enjoy a good old Mary Jane without fear of the law. The result? Young Canadians have not increased their consumption as one might have expected. On the contrary, they seem to have adopted the "been there done that" attitude and are more likely to reduce their use .
Now let's talk about the Netherlands, where smoking a joint is as commonplace as eating a croissant in France (or almost). Here, the sale of cannabis has been authorized in the famous coffee shops for over forty years! And yet... surprise! Consumption among young Dutch people remains relatively low compared to that of other European countries where the product is illegal. As it turns out the forbidden sometimes has a sweeter taste ...
Finally, in the United States - this country where everything seems possible - the situation varies greatly from one state to another. Some, like Colorado or Washington, have chosen to legalize completely while others maintain a strict prohibition.
And guess what? In those permissive states, it seems that teen use is down while it's up in Cannabis remains illegal . A sobering paradox, isn't it?
So, would legalizing cannabis ultimately be an effective way to control its consumption among young people? International examples seem to indicate that it is. But be careful, this is not a reason to turn your living room into a coffee shop !
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