, 2 min reading time
, 2 min reading time
Free your mind and explore new paths: Luxembourg now authorizes the personal cultivation of cannabis, paving the way for a revolution in drug policy in Europe!
Luxembourg has taken a historic step in the legalization of cannabis for recreational use since July 21. From now on, residents can cultivate their own cannabis plants on a personal basis, but under strict frameworks established by law.
Luxembourg thus becomes the second country in the European Union to legalize recreational cannabis, following Malta in 2021. However, legislation in Europe remains heterogeneous. Some countries such as Portugal and Italy have decriminalized the use of cannabis for personal purposes and in small quantities. Others, like Spain and the Netherlands, tolerate consumption without legalizing it.
In France, the possession of cannabis remains illegal and punishable by criminal sanctions, although the country has authorized experimentation with cannabis for therapeutic use since October 2020, until 2024. Unlike the situation in Luxembourg, Germany and Denmark are considering also the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes.
The legalization of cannabis in Luxembourg marks a turning point in drug policy in Europe, sparking interest and reflection in many neighboring countries, including France, where the debate on this issue continues to intensify.
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