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La définition complète du CBD - HerBeevor

The complete definition of CBD

, 12 min reading time

Find out everything you need to know about CBD: definition, extraction, derived products and health benefits

It's funny, this little world of nature, with its oddities and wonders. Let's take the case of CBD, this non-psychoactive component of hemp that sows confusion more often than not. Let's continue the metaphor, explore its extraction, its transformation into derivative products and its influence on health. You are probably wondering if CBD is not a hidden synonym for cannabis? In a burst of bittersweet laughter, we will untangle this Ariadne's thread. So, ready to break down preconceived ideas and qualify the myths? Put on your glasses, unwind your neurons, and let's dive together into this hectic labyrinth, a veritable academy of CBD.


What is THC-free greens?

The question stings, doesn't it? Why suddenly doubt the clever escape that everyone unfairly attributes to young Marie Jeanne? Understand, this question sums up the mystical fog that envelops our favorite protagonist, CBD . The charming acronym for cannabidiol, a tiny molecule that struts like a queen in the majestic court of cannabis, freed from its brutal brother, THC .

A little history

Nobody really knows when CBD took early retirement from the THC fiasco - the fearsome psychoactive responsible for euphoria which makes the eyes roll grandmother's cautions . However, we are biting our fingers today for having given him permission "to let off steam". Back in 1940, Dr. Roger Adams, an American scientist, managed to isolate the molecule for the first time, thus creating an ongoing revolution.

Some cool things to know about CBD

  • It's a natural anti-inflammatory. Maybe the aspirin of the future?
  • It can help in the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. Health Magazine says that a recent study has substantially approved its benefits .
  • Does not produce any psychoactive effects. No "high" behind the wheel, guys!
  • It is also used in some cosmetics. Fine lines be damned!

And what about the law ?

Everywhere, the laws are so contradictory and confusing that they resemble a child lost in a supermarket. In some countries, CBD is legal, as long as its content is THC is less than 0.3%, while in others it is simply prohibited. To be continued.

CBD extraction

Sure, you thought CBD fell straight from the sky into your cup of tea ? That statement would be laughable, if it weren’t as false as a nearsighted owl in a nightclub. So Sit down , put the kettle on and let me see you to travel into the wonderful world of CBD extraction.

The Tupper'herbe meeting

CBD extraction methods are almost as varied as the flavors of the finished product. It often comes to mind as a clandestine Tupperware gathering, with modern witches concocting their next potion. However, two methods are particularly popular in this learned mess : CO2 and ethanol extraction. Shall we explore?

Hold on tight, it's going to be wild!

CO2 extraction is a bit like climbing into the first roller coaster of your life . It makes you dizzy, it costs a lot of equipment, but in the end you get high-flying CBD. It is indeed a method that is both complex and expensive , but the result is worth breaking the piggy bank. CO2 used as solvent allows you to obtain very high quality CBD concentrations.

Cheers to ethanol!

Imagine you're at a fancy cocktail party and the waiter brings you your shot of CBD. That's kind of what happens with ethanol extraction. This type of extraction, too as simple as a mojito on a summer evening , allows for mass production of CBD. We would almost want to dip biscuits .

Let me introduce you to Uncle Rick and his garage.

If these two methods do not suit you, there are also other extraction techniques. There is the oil extraction method, the butane method, the propane method and even olive oil extraction for the most daring among us. Go tell Uncle Rick that he can finally set up your lab in the garage !

And there you have it, you now know as much as I do about extracting CBD, this little miracle of nature. No, don't thank me, it's a gift!

CBD derivatives

CBD Flowers: The Bouquet of Happiness

If the orchid reveals a delicate sensuality and the rose likes to depict a mad love, the flower of CBD stands out for its promises of calm and well-being. Without creating a high, this plant diva puts on a show with audacity, donning rates of CBD quite impressive. Ofelia, Fedora or Futura, these varieties of flowers CBD are not characters from a novel but rather cultivars with a promising reputation.

CBD Oils: Nirvana in a Bottle

Take a sunflower, an olive or why not a grape seed. Press a few liters of oil from it. Add a zest of CBD . Here's how to make CBD oil CBD . Oh, and shake well! Ideally, consume it orally for optimal results. Of course, don't imagine turning your kitchen into a chemistry lab, skeptics will be condemned not to a fine but to skepticism.

CBD Capsules: Magical Confectionery

Imagine the candy you carried in your pockets as a child, if only it were magic. The CBD are a bit like those sweets that, in addition to their sweet flavor, bring well-being and relaxation. They are discreet, practical to use and ideal for those looking for precision in dosages. However, no one talks about them at Halloween. A scandal, right?

CBD Cosmetics: Beauty from Elsewhere

There's nothing like a gentle mist of cannabidiol to revive the skin. Cosmetics with CBD are as surprising as the latest episode of your favorite series. They subtly bypass the skin's endocannabinoid system for natural beauty, without constraint or addiction. Creams, lotions, balms, bathroom shelves are vibrating with this new trend, but the general public remains skeptical. Let them try these incredible products, they might develop a taste for them!

The beneficial effects of CBD on health

What is this CBD that fights inflammation?

You wake up, and your body reminds you with a choreography of pain far removed from the Swan Lake only cockatoo on an electric wire . And then, suddenly, an angel passes by: the CBD , or cannabidiol. This actor supernatural has an interesting property that might remind your body of times before serene . A study of ScienceDirect reveals that CBD can potentially reduce inflammation and even inhibit the growth of cancer cells. So you might end up dancing Swan Lake, except on nights when you have too many Belgian beers.

CBD, a Zen warrior in the fight against anxiety and stress

Hyperventilation, techno-beating heartbeat, hot flashes... does that ring a bell? Anxiety and stress seem to have taken a indefinite term subscription on the soft cushions of your thoughts. Cannabidiol, in good Samurai of Wellness , could shake these pests and send them out of your sacred mind. It is renowned for its ability to attenuate these unwanted intruders from your mental landscape.

Tingling and spasms, CBD is here

How can we not mention the properties? relaxing And antispasmodics CBD? Soaking in a hot bath is great; but what if cannabidiol was an additional option for relaxing? Perhaps, those incongruous signals of tingling and other spasms should read between your nervous lines: "Mr. CBD is on the way!". And they would understand, perhaps reluctantly, that their hold on the territory of your comfort is rather precarious.

CBD and Dancing with the Stars

Finally, what would a discussion about CBD be without addressing its possible effects on sleep? There’s nothing like a sweet and peaceful dream! It would be like a fruit smoothie without fruit, like a house without a roof, like a party without cake. Wrapped in the soft mantle of cannabidiol, you could rehearse the choreographies of dancing with the stars rather than counting sheep.

Use of CBD

The art of dosing CBD

Think CBD dosage is a Chinese puzzle? Well, think again. Dosing CBD is more like a delicate dance than a scientific headache. Much like salsa dancing, CBD dosage requires rhythm and discernment. Start with a small dose and gradually increase it, note the effects felt and adjust. That is the step by step of the infernal dance of CBD.

How to play cook… with CBD

The second riddle, how to consume CBD? That is the question of questions. While purists vape it, those who have baking in their skin will integrate it into cakes.
  • Hop, two drops of oil and your salad becomes a work of art.
  • Are you a barista at heart? A little CBD in your coffee won’t hurt anyone.
  • For the lazy, there are capsules and some candy already dosed.
  • And finally, the most daring, the CBD massage. You heard right.

CBD: Animals’ New Friend?

Pets have become real fans of CBD. Yes, yes, you read that right. Little Sally, your beloved poodle, could very well love it. More and more dog and cat owners are turning to CBD to help their furry friends in various situations: stress, inflammation, allergies. And always in moderation, we can never repeat it enough.

CBD, the Eldorado of unrestricted trade?

I hope you’re sitting down because here’s the cherry on top – CBD is over the counter! It’s unbelievable, but true. On every street corner, you’ll find a place where you can buy CBD oil, CBD edibles, CBD drinks … Even your local grocer has gotten in on the act. Head to the supermarket and you’ll find CBD, sitting peacefully between the tea and the chips. Here we are, in CBD land!

Difference between CBD and Cannabis

Conquering fundamental distinctions

Have you ever wondered why CBD is considered more respectable, while it is often compared to the unloved Cannabis? This is not a disavowal of the qualities of these two protagonists, they simply have attributes that make them unique, that's all. Think of Laurel and Hardy, Bonnie and Clyde, Batman and Robin... they seem identical, cooperating against the evils of the world, but surely not the same thing!

Navigating the ocean of nuances

CBD and Cannabis would be like the debate between tea and coffee. Both can certainly help you wake up in the morning, but they will have distinct effects on your body and mind. Cannabis, the terrible spicy mocha, has a horde of components including THC which gives it that little extra, while our mild green tea, CBD, remains non-psychotropic. Something to satisfy all palates!

Let's put the components under the microscope

A detailed stop on their composition would, in truth, be very useful. Cannabis, this rebellious shrub, is full of THC which, seriously, can send the user into a whirlwind of laughter and brain fog, akin to a drunken goose in a cornfield. In contrast, our more civilized CBD contains little to nothing of THC . So, no uncontrollable laughter, no paranoid fear, no feelings of escape. Enough to make it easier to choose between a zen yoga session and a game of hide-and-seek with a rainbow unicorn.

Let us delve into the grimoire of essential divergences

When we talk about the essential differences between CBD and Cannabis, it’s like comparing an encyclopedia to a graphic novel. Both contain words, sentences and deliver something to the human experience. Yet, one offers calm, comfort and balance (our sweet CBD), the other offers a carnival of varied sensations, a fireworks display of psychotropic stimulants (our beloved Cannabis). Ah, what a wonderful world!

Myths and Realities

Oddly enough, there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding good old CBD, that green, oily alien. Let’s dig a little deeper to distinguish the myths realities.

Mockery around concerns

A legion of people seem to be affected by a perception one way CBD: "Ah, that's the stuff that gets you high, right?" Indeed, some might prefer to celebrate Neighbors' Day with a CBD joint rather than a cup of tea. Tut-tut-tut! Stop conjecturing! The truth is more nuanced than the simple diptych: CBD = Bob Marley. A study by Science et Avenir, admittedly recent but guaranteed without hoaxes, clearly suggests that CBD can help reduce the symptoms of epilepsy in children. Not bad for a greenish alien, right?

Horribly Side Effects

CBD, that greenish elixir, has a few sweet tricks up its sleeve, though. Some users report side effects like fatigue, insomnia, or diarrhea. Yes, it sounds like the echo of a night of tacos and cervezas! All these effects will never match the procession of horrors specific to certain substances, even those that are approved.

Devilishly medicinal interactions

CBD doesn't always play well in the yard with other medications. It goes up the slide, jostles the others when it goes downhill, without precautionary principle. Yes, some drug interactions can cause strong overflows. So consult your doctor before inviting CBD to your drug party.

Audience susceptible to greenish bombs

Vulnerable people are precisely those who pick up vibrations the most. greenish CBD. The elderly, pregnant women and children are more sensitive to variations of this substance with a debated reputation. So be careful if you are on the VIP list (Vulnerable Irresistibly Attracted to Firecrackers). Even if CBD has managed to reduce certain symptoms in epileptic children, always check before doing this greenish dance.
This concludes our mythical-real journey through CBD, this green and oily alien. Beware of appearances!


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