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136 products

  • Hash Maroco CBD Hash Maroco CBD

    Hash Maroco CBD

    18 in stock

    Hash Maroco CBD : Une Puissance Aromatique Venue du Maroc Le Hash Maroco CBD est un produit exceptionnel conçu pour les amateurs de CBD en quête d’une forte concentration et d’effets puissants. Avec un taux impressionnant de CBD de 37%, cette résine offre une expérience riche et profonde, tout en respectant la législation française grâce à un taux de THC inférieur à 0,3%. Caractéristiques du Hash Maroco CBD Ce hash se distingue par sa texture souple et facile à manipuler, ainsi que par sa couleur foncée, typique des résines de haute qualité. Produit au Maroc, il est le fruit de techniques de production avancées qui assurent une pureté et une concentration optimales en CBD, tout en préservant les terpènes naturels qui donnent à ce produit son arôme unique. Profil Aromatique Le Hash Maroco CBD séduit par son profil aromatique complexe et riche en nuances : Notes de tête : Arômes fruités et sucrés avec une touche de baies rouges. Notes de cœur : Nuances épicées et boisées pour plus de profondeur. Notes de fond : Subtiles notes terreuses et résineuses, signature des résines haut de gamme. Bienfaits du Hash Maroco CBD Apprécié pour ses effets relaxants et apaisants, le Hash Maroco CBD est idéal pour réduire le stress, soulager les tensions musculaires et favoriser une relaxation profonde. Son taux élevé de CBD en fait un choix parfait pour ceux qui recherchent une détente intense sans les effets psychoactifs du THC. Utilisation Le Hash Maroco CBD peut être consommé de plusieurs façons selon les préférences : Vaporisation : Pour une expérience douce et rapide, permettant de savourer pleinement les arômes et les effets. Infusion : Pour une consommation plus lente, idéale pour prolonger le moment de détente. Informations Légales Ce produit est élaboré au Maroc avec un taux de THC inférieur à 0,3%, garantissant ainsi sa conformité à la législation française. Vous pouvez consommer ce produit en toute sécurité, sans effets psychoactifs ni risque d’addiction. Caractéristiques Techniques Caractéristique Détail Type Résine de CBD Origine Maroc THC < 0,3% CBD 37% Arômes Épicé, boisé, terreux Poids 1, 3, 6, 10, 25 grammes

    18 in stock

    10,00€ - 80,80€Price per gram 8,08€ / g

  • Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff

    Spliff Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff

    10 in stock

    Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff : La Solution Idéale pour Éliminer les Traces de THC Une Formule Puissante pour des Résultats Impeccables Vous recherchez un moyen rapide et efficace pour éliminer les traces de THC avant un test salivaire ? Découvrez le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff, une solution innovante conçue pour neutraliser instantanément les molécules de THC dans la bouche. Sa formule avancée et naturelle, enrichie en ingrédients actifs, offre une action puissante et durable. Un Spray Buccal Pratique et Discret Le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit est un spray buccal facile à utiliser et discret, idéal pour les personnes souhaitant maintenir une hygiène buccale impeccable tout en éliminant toute trace de cannabis. Quelques pulvérisations suffisent pour neutraliser les résidus de THC, vous offrant ainsi une tranquillité d'esprit totale avant toute situation nécessitant un test de dépistage. Des Ingrédients Naturels pour une Sécurité Maximale Formulé avec des ingrédients de haute qualité, ce spray garantit non seulement une efficacité optimale, mais aussi une sécurité d'utilisation pour la bouche. Découvrez ci-dessous les ingrédients principaux et leurs bénéfices : Ingrédient Description Aqua Eau, base de la formulation Alcool dénaturé Agent antiseptique et conservateur Melia azadirachta Extrait de Neem, connu pour ses propriétés purifiantes Xantham Gum Agent épaississant naturel Rafraîchissant et Pratique à Transporter En plus de son action anti-THC, le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit procure une sensation de fraîcheur immédiate. Compact et facile à transporter, il se glisse aisément dans une poche ou un sac, vous permettant de l’utiliser à tout moment, où que vous soyez. Idéal pour les déplacements, ce spray est l’allié parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à se débarrasser des odeurs persistantes de cannabis. Mode d’Emploi Facile Agitez bien le flacon avant utilisation. Pulvérisez 10 fois dans la bouche. Gargarisez pendant 40 secondes, puis recrachez. Évitez de consommer par voie buccale immédiatement après pour maintenir l'efficacité du produit. Optez pour la Discrétion et l'Efficacité avec Klean Shit Avec le Cleaner THC - Klean Shit by Spliff, soyez toujours prêt pour un test de dépistage. Ce spray buccal innovant vous assure discrétion et efficacité, en éliminant les traces de THC en quelques secondes. Faites le choix de la tranquillité d'esprit avec un produit fiable et facile à utiliser. Commandez dès maintenant votre Cleaner THC et découvrez une solution simple et efficace pour garantir votre sérénité lors des tests de dépistage. Ne laissez pas le THC perturber votre quotidien, optez pour Klean Shit by Spliff !

    10 in stock


  • Last stock! Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets - Hemeka Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets - Hemeka

    Hemeka Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets - Hemeka

    3 in stock

    Infusion CBD La Relaxante - 20 Sachets Pourquoi choisir La Relaxante ? Cette tisane est conçue pour vous aider à vous détendre, en apportant une solution naturelle contre le stress et l’anxiété. Caractéristiques principales Caractéristiques Détails Nombre de sachets 20 sachets pyramide biodégradables Ingrédients 100% issus de l’agriculture biologique, cultivés en France Fabrication Fabriqué dans notre atelier en France Composition 60% de chanvre bio, 20% de mélisse, 20% d’aubépine Certification Agriculture biologique Type Infusion au chanvre Utilisation Prêt à consommer, format pyramide pratique   Description de l’Infusion CBD La Relaxante Les sachets de tisane La Relaxante sont pratiques à utiliser, chaque sachet pyramide étant pré-dosé pour une infusion homogène. Ils sont idéaux pour favoriser la relaxation et l'apaisement nerveux. Points forts Détails Sachets pré-dosés Quantité uniforme pour une infusion parfaite à chaque tasse. Praticité Facilement transportable pour vos déplacements. Qualité constante Les bienfaits de la version en vrac, avec une commodité supplémentaire. Ingrédients de qualité Chanvre, mélisse, et aubépine issus de l'agriculture biologique, cultivés en France. Composition Ingrédient Pourcentage Propriétés Chanvre 60% Le cannabidiol (CBD) favorise la détente et la relaxation en agissant sur le système sérotoninergique. Mélisse 20% Apaise les troubles nerveux et lutte contre le stress et l’anxiété. Aubépine 20% Tranquillisante, elle aide à réguler le rythme cardiaque et à réduire le stress. Conseils de préparation Étape Détails Préparation Faites bouillir de l'eau, puis laissez infuser le sachet pyramide pendant 4 à 7 minutes. Astuce Ajoutez un corps gras (lait entier, d’amandes, de soja…) pour améliorer la diffusion des cannabinoïdes et des principes actifs. Ajustement du goût Si la tisane devient trop amère après 7 minutes, réduisez le temps d'infusion à 4 minutes. Quand consommer La Relaxante ? Cette tisane peut être consommée à tout moment de la journée, selon vos besoins : Moment Détails Le matin Pour commencer la journée sereinement. L’après-midi Avant un après-midi stressant. En soirée Pour se détendre en fin de journée. Les bienfaits du CBD Le CBD, en interagissant avec les neurotransmetteurs de la sérotonine, procure des effets relaxants et apaisants. Des études montrent son efficacité contre l'anxiété et d'autres troubles liés au stress, avec un excellent profil de sécurité. Caractéristiques Caractéristiques Détails Type Infusion au chanvre Origine France Certification Agriculture biologique Quantité 20 infusettes pyramide Ingrédients Chanvre (60%), Mélisse (20%), Aubépine (20%) Préparation Infuser 4 à 7 minutes à 100°C   Service client, livraison rapide, 100% français.

    3 in stock


  • Sale -15%Last stock! Pack Découverte Résine CBD : Explorez 6 Variétés Uniques - HerBeevor

    CBD Resin Discovery Pack: Explore 6 Unique Varieties

    7 reviews

    5 in stock

    CBD Resin Discovery Pack: Explore 6 Unique Varieties, 6 grams Dive into the world of CBD with our Herbeevor CBD Resin Discovery Pack . This exclusive pack offers you an exceptional selection of six different CBD resins, carefully chosen to introduce you to a diverse range of unique flavors and effects. Each pack contains 6 grams of high-quality CBD resin, divided into six distinct varieties. Varieties Included in the Pack Bab Berred CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Harlequin CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Amnesia CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Cherry Wine CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Peanut Butter CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Blueberry Muffins CBD Resin - GoldBar420 Characteristics of Resins Variety CBD Origin Aromas Bab Berred Resin 38.5% Swiss Fruity, sweet Harlequin Resin 27% Swiss Fruity, woody, spicy Amnesia Resin 23% Swiss Citrus, spicy, earthy Cherry Wine Resin 23% Swiss Fruity, floral, sweet Peanut Butter Resin 33% Swiss Hazelnut, creamy, woody Blueberry Muffins Resin 25% Swiss Blueberry, sweet, floral The Benefits of CBD Resins The CBD resins included in this pack are perfect for those who want to enjoy the beneficial effects of CBD, including: Reduction of stress and anxiety Relief of pain and inflammation Improved mood and general well-being Promoting restful sleep Recommended Use Our CBD resins can be consumed in several ways: Vaporization : Use a quality vaporizer for fast and efficient absorption of cannabinoids. Recommended temperature: 180-210°C. Infusion : Prepare an infusion by adding a fatty substance (milk, coconut oil) for better dissolution of the cannabinoids. Inhalation : By combustion through a joint or pipe for a traditional experience. Legal information Our CBD resins comply with European legal standards with a THC level of less than 0.3%. You can therefore consume them completely legally in France. Customers' opinion Our customers particularly appreciate the CBD Resin Discovery Pack for its diversity and the quality of the products. Consult the detailed reviews on our site to discover their testimonials. Technical characteristics Kind CBD resin Origin Swiss CBD 23-38.5% THC < 0.3% Aromatic profile Various (Fruity, sweet, woody, spicy, floral) Herbeevor Quality Guarantees At Herbeevor, we are committed to providing the highest quality products. Our CBD resins are rigorously tested to ensure purity and potency. Each batch is checked to ensure a product free of contaminants and additives. Purchase, Delivery and Legal Regulations Purchasing our CBD Resin Discovery Pack on our online platform is secure and fast. Enjoy free delivery for all orders over €50. Order before 7pm on weekdays and enjoy same-day shipping.

    5 in stock

    44,84€ 38,28€ Price per gram 6,38€ / g

  • Sale -40%Last stock! Cartouche Wax 50% CBD et 6,5% CBN - Sour Diesel FRESHEMP - HerBeevor Cartouche Wax 50% CBD et 6,5% CBN - Sour Diesel FRESHEMP - HerBeevor

    Freshemp Wax cartridge 50% CBD and 6.5% CBN - Sour Diesel FRESHEMP

    4 reviews

    3 in stock

    Ready to fly? This 50% CBD and 6.5% CBN wax cartridge will get you off the ground! Breathtaking premium quality and fresh, lemony diesel taste, will elevate your mind and heart beyond limits. You will be inhabited by a deep, calm and pleasant relaxation. Purely magical!

    3 in stock

    25,15€ 15,09€

  • Sale -40%Last stock! Cartouche Wax 50% CBD et 6,5% CBN - Gelato FRESHEMP - HerBeevor Cartouche Wax 50% CBD et 6,5% CBN - Gelato FRESHEMP - HerBeevor

    Freshemp Wax cartridge 50% CBD and 6.5% CBN - Gelato FRESHEMP

    3 reviews

    4 in stock

    Are you looking for a delicious wax cartridge that combines powerful benefits of CBD and CBN? Then the Wax Cartridge 50% CBD and 6.5% CBN - Gelato FRESHEMP is made for you! Taste the sweet flavor of Gelato and enjoy a relaxing journey with soothing properties. A unique combination that gives the best of both worlds!

    4 in stock

    25,15€ 15,09€

  • Sale -13% Coffret Anti-Âge CBD Breezh - HerBeevor Coffret Anti-Âge CBD Breezh - HerBeevor

    Breezh CBD Anti-Aging Box - Breezh

    1 review

    6 in stock

    CBD Anti-Aging Box - Breezh Discover the ultimate anti-aging solution with the Breezh CBD Anti-Aging Set . This exclusive set includes an eye contour, a cream and a serum, specially formulated to combat the signs of aging and revitalize your skin. Each product is enriched with CBD and natural ingredients to offer a luxurious and effective skincare experience. Products Included in the CBD Anti-Aging Box - Breezh CBD Eye Contour - Breezh: Reduces puffiness and dark circles, improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels thanks to a concentrate of amino acids, arnica montana, horse chestnut and caffeine. CBD Anti-Aging Cream - Breezh: Deeply nourishes and hydrates with wild Himanthalia algae, grape seed extract and Enteromorpha Compressa algae for firmer, more elastic and hydrated skin. CBD Anti-Aging Serum - Breezh: Protection against pollution, hydration and reduction of signs of aging thanks to a complex of marine algae, prickly pear extract and hyaluronic acid. Benefits of the CBD Anti-Aging Box - Breezh Reduction of Signs of Aging: The products in this set target wrinkles, fine lines and loss of elasticity, providing visibly rejuvenated skin. Intense Hydration: Enriched with natural moisturizing ingredients, these products maintain optimal skin hydration, leaving it soft and supple. Anti-Pollution Protection: The serum provides a barrier against environmental aggressions, protecting the skin from damage caused by pollution. Radiant Effect: Natural extracts such as prickly pear and kiwi restore radiance to your skin, making it bright and radiant. Usage tips For a complete skincare ritual, follow these steps: Morning and evening: Apply the CBD Eye Contour in small touches to the entire eye contour, then massage gently with circular movements from the inner corner of the eye outwards. Morning: After eye contour, apply CBD Anti-Aging Serum to face and neck. Spread gently with upward and outward movements. Evening: After the serum, apply the CBD Anti-Aging Cream to the face and neck, massaging gently. Specifications of the CBD Anti-Aging Box - Breezh Product Volume Main Ingredients Benefits CBD Eye Contour 15 ml CBD, Arnica Montana, Caffeine, Kiwi Extract Reduces puffiness and dark circles, improves blood circulation CBD Anti-Aging Cream 50 ml CBD, Himanthalia Algae, Grape Seed Extract Nourishes, deeply hydrates, reduces wrinkles CBD Anti-Aging Serum 30 ml CBD, Hyaluronic Acid, Prickly Pear Extract Hydrates, protects against pollution, reduces signs of aging Why Choose the CBD Anti-Aging Box - Breezh? Superior Quality: Formulated with natural and organic ingredients for maximum effectiveness. Intense Hydration: Maintains optimal hydration, leaving skin soft and supple. Anti-aging Protection: Reduces wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. Made in France: Guarantees superior quality and traceability. Vegan and Cruelty-Free Formula: Complies with ethical and environmental standards. Don't let the signs of aging dull your skin any longer. Try our CBD Anti-Aging Kit - Breezh today and discover a natural and effective solution for radiant and rejuvenated skin.

    6 in stock

    44,14€ 38,28€

  • Sale -17% Pack découverte - Fleurs CBD

    Discovery pack - CBD Flowers

    14 reviews

    Out of stock

    Discovery Pack - CBD Flowers: 4 Unique Varieties for 15 grams Dive into the world of CBD with our Discovery Pack - CBD Flowers . Composed of 4 carefully selected varieties for a total of 15 grams, this pack is perfect for exploring a diversity of flavors and effects. Ideal for CBD lovers looking for a complete and varied experience. Features of the Discovery Pack - CBD Flowers This pack includes four varieties of CBD flowers, each selected for its superior quality and distinct aromas. Carefully cultivated, these flowers offer an exceptional experience both in terms of taste and effects. Total weight : 15 grams (4 varieties of 3 to 6 grams each) Origin : Indoor and Glasshouse CBD : Rich in cannabidiol (CBD), each variety has a different rate to meet various needs THC : < 0.3% (Complies with European regulations) Free delivery : Purchases over €50 Shipping : Same day for all orders placed before 7 p.m. Varieties included in the Discovery Pack Variety Origin Aromas Effects Amnesia Haze CBD Indoor Fruity, lemony, spicy Relaxing, calming, energizing Gorilla CBD Indoor Earthy, sweet, woody Relaxing, anti-stress Zkittlez CBD Glasshouse Fruity, sweet, tropical Soothing, euphoric Fruit Cake CBD Glasshouse Sweet, fruity, creamy Relaxing, balancing The Benefits of CBD Flowers from the Discovery Pack The CBD flowers included in this pack offer a multitude of benefits: Relaxing and anti-stress effect Improved mood Reduction of pain and inflammation Improved sleep Recommended Use CBD flowers can be consumed in several ways: Vaporization : Use a vaporizer for fast and efficient absorption of cannabinoids. Infusion : Prepare an infusion by adding a fatty substance (milk, coconut oil) for better dissolution of the cannabinoids. Inhalation : By combustion through a joint or pipe for a traditional experience. Legal information Our CBD flowers comply with European legal standards with a THC level of less than 0.3%. You can therefore consume them completely legally in France. Customers' opinion Our customers particularly appreciate the Discovery Pack - CBD Flowers for its diversity and the quality of the flowers. Check out the detailed reviews on our site to discover their testimonials. Technical characteristics Kind CBD Flowers Origin Indoor and Glasshouse Total weight 15 grams Varieties included Amnesia Haze, Gorilla, Zkittlez, Fruit Cake THC < 0.3% Discovery Pack Quality Guarantees - CBD Flowers At Herbeevor, we are committed to providing the highest quality products. Our CBD flowers are rigorously tested to ensure purity and potency. Each batch is checked to ensure a product free of contaminants and additives. Purchase, Delivery and Legal Regulations Purchasing our Discovery Pack - CBD Flowers on our online platform is secure and fast. Enjoy free delivery for any order over €50. Order before 7 p.m. on weekdays and enjoy same-day shipping.

    Out of stock

    72,87€ 60,50€ Price per gram 5,04€ /

  • Last stock! Livre : Chanvre en médecine - HerBeevor

    Book: Hemp in medicine

    1 review

    1 in stock

    Book Hemp in Medicine - Rediscovery of a Medicinal Plant by Grotenhermen Franjo Hemp in Medicine - Rediscovery of a Medicinal Plant by Grotenhermen Franjo is a must-read for anyone interested in the medical applications of cannabis and its derivatives. This second French edition, enriched and updated from the German title Hanf als Medizin , is the first practical guide dealing exclusively with the medical applications of therapeutic cannabis and its derivatives. Contents of the Book Written by one of the leading international specialists in therapeutic cannabis , Dr. Franjo Grotenhermen, this book brings together in a clear and concise style a significant amount of information on new possible and recognized treatments based on medicinal cannabis , Dronabinol (THC) or Cannabidiol (CBD), the main active substances in cannabis . The book covers various essential topics: The different areas of application of cannabis in medicine , including around forty pathologies. Risks, side effects, dosages, methods of absorption and possible interactions with other medications. Practical recommendations based on the author's clinical experience. With over 350 references selected from the vast scientific literature, this book lays the foundations of current knowledge on the endogenous cannabinoid system and describes the rich history of the medical use of cannabis through the ages. Technical sheet ISBN/GTIN 978-3-03788-543-7 Product Title Hemp in Medicine - Rediscovery of a Medicinal Plant Author Franjo Grotenhermen Editor Night chats Publication year 2017 Number of pages 304 Format 14 x 21.6 cm Language French Weight 546 g Price EUR 26.80 / CHF 29.80 Book Description The book "Hemp in Medicine - Rediscovery of a Medicinal Plant" by Franjo Grotenhermen is a practical and detailed guide on the medical applications of therapeutic cannabis . It provides valuable information on possible treatments based on medicinal cannabis , Dronabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). This book is essential to understand how cannabis can be used in medicine to treat a variety of pathologies and improve the quality of life of patients. Reviews and Opinions Critics praise the book for its clarity and scientific rigor. Franjo Grotenhermen , recognized for his expertise in medical cannabis , offers a reliable and comprehensive resource. Readers appreciate how the book demystifies the medicinal uses of cannabis and provides practical information for patients and healthcare professionals. Also See For more information on medical cannabis , see Franjo Grotenhermen 's other books, such as "Cannabis against Cancer" and "On the medical use of cannabis". These books offer complementary perspectives on the medical use of cannabis and its components.

    1 in stock


  • Sac Kraft - Noir - HerBeevor Sac Kraft - Noir - HerBeevor

    Kraft bag

    Discover the Kraft Bag , the ideal solution for eco-friendly and stylish packaging. This Kraft Bag is made from sustainable kraft paper, perfect for carrying your purchases while respecting the environment. The Kraft Bag stands out for its robustness and elegant design, ideal for all occasions, whether for shopping, gifts or special events. With its reinforced handles, the Kraft Bag offers excellent resistance and optimal carrying comfort. Opt for the Kraft Bag and make an eco-friendly choice without compromising on style. Use the Kraft Bag for practical and eco-friendly packaging, while adding a natural and chic touch to your daily activities.


  • Last stock! Asabio Gel naturel désinfectant et purifiant - HerBeevor Asabio Gel naturel désinfectant et purifiant - HerBeevor

    Asabio Asabio Natural disinfectant and purifying gel

    1 review

    3 in stock

    Enjoy perfect hand hygiene in complete safety thanks to this CBD Disinfectant and Purifying Natural Gel from Asabio! Its formula based on organic essential oils, CBD, hemp seed oils and organic neem provides effective protection and preserves your hands from dryness while repairing and fortifying them. A feeling of freshness and well-being... Take it everywhere and discover a natural and safe mode of hygiene!

    3 in stock


  • Asabio Crème récupération corporelle CBD - HerBeevor Asabio Crème récupération corporellAsabio Crème récupération corporelle CBD - HerBeevore - HerBeevor

    Asabio CBD Body Recovery Cream 30ml - ASABIO

    7 reviews

    7 in stock

    CBD Body Recovery Cream 30ml - ASABIO To allow your skin to recover from the various aggressions and pains suffered throughout the day, ASABIO has made available a natural and organic body recovery cream. Formulated with carefully selected ingredients, this cream relieves and repairs your skin thanks to the benefits of hemp and CBD. Features of CBD Body Recovery Cream Intense Hydration: Cold-pressed hemp seed oil deeply hydrates and quickly repairs skin. Anti-inflammatory action: CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, naturally relieving body pain. Arnica montana: Known for its homeopathic virtues, it helps in the recovery of hematomas and trauma. Organic Ingredients: All ingredients are certified 100% organic, ensuring a chemical-free formulation. Benefits of CBD Body Recovery Cream ASABIO CBD Body Recovery Cream offers multiple benefits for your skin: Optimal Recovery: Hemp seed oil and CBD work together to accelerate cellular regeneration and provide natural recovery. Pain Relief: With Arnica Montana and CBD, this cream helps relieve body pain and inflammation. Hydration and protection: Natural ingredients deeply hydrate the skin and provide long-lasting protection against external aggressions. Usage and Advice To enjoy the benefits of CBD Body Recovery Cream , follow these usage tips: Application: Apply a thin layer of cream to painful or irritated areas. Massage gently until completely absorbed. Frequency: Use the cream whenever needed to moisturize, repair and relieve pain in your skin. Ingredients This cream is composed of organic ingredients carefully selected for their benefits: Ingredient Description Aqua Water Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil Sunflower seed oil Arnica Montana Flower Water Arnica flower water Ethylhexyl Stearate Emollient agent Arnica Montana Flower Extract Arnica flower extract Glyceryl Stearate Natural emulsifier Stearyl Alcohol Thickener and emollient Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil** Hemp Seed Oil Mentha Piperita Oil** Peppermint essential oil Menthol Refreshing agent Avena Sativa Kernel Extract** Oat grain extract Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract** Calendula flower extract Harpagophytum Procumbens Root Extract Devil's claw root extract Cannabidiol CBD Eugenia Caryophyllus Bud Oil** Clove essential oil Tocopherol Vitamin E Glycerin** Glycerin Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract Rosemary Leaf Extract Xanthan Gum Natural thickener Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate Chelating agent Dehydroacetic Acid Conservative Benzoic Acid Conservative Limonene* Natural citrus fragrance Eugenol* Natural spicy perfume Benzyl Alcohol Benzyl alcohol Why Choose ASABIO CBD Body Recovery Cream? Premium Quality: Formulated with organic ingredients, this cream provides optimal recovery and hydration. Transparency: All ingredients are clearly listed, ensuring a chemical-free formula. Traceability: Ingredients are grown by environmentally friendly European farmers, ensuring superior quality. Order Now Don't miss the opportunity to take care of your body with ASABIO's CBD Body Recovery Cream . Order today and experience the benefits of natural and effective recovery.

    7 in stock


  • Sale -50%Last stock! huile Corps Cheveux CBD  - Détente cellulaire CBD - HerBeevor huile Corps Cheveux CBD  - Détente cellulaire CBD - HerBeevor

    Atelier Populaire CBD Cellular Relaxation Hair Body Oil + Organic CBD - Atelier Populaire

    8 reviews

    4 in stock

    CBD Hair Body Oil Cellular Relaxation | Popular Workshop CBD Cellular Relaxation Hair Body Oil contains 1% pure CBD. This innovative molecule is renowned for its powerful anti-inflammatory action on the skin and body. About the Product This CBD Cellular Relaxation Body Hair oil is intended for application on the body and hair. It is nourishing and emollient thanks to its composition of vegetable oils (hemp, sweet almond, sunflower and sesame) and soothing and regenerating thanks to CBD . It is recommended for massage to relieve muscle pain (aches) and joint pain, as well as for local application to calm skin irritations (sunburn, post-hair removal, eczema, psoriasis, etc.). It is scented with a 100% natural fragrance with a fresh and vegetal scent. The Benefits of Cellular Relaxation CBD Hair Body Oil For all skin types Multi-use: skin, muscles, scalp and hair High concentration of active CBD isolate at 1% Organic virgin hemp oil from France Certified organic product - COSMOS ORGANIC Made in France Vegan Usage tips Body : Daily use on dry or slightly damp skin. It can also be used as a massage oil to relax the skin and muscles. Hair : Use as a nourishing hair treatment: oil bath before shampooing and/or treatment for the lengths. Ingredients Sesame oil Sweet almond oil Sunflower oil Hemp oil CBD (cannabidiol) Scent Vitamin E Aromatic compounds naturally present in perfume 100% of the total is of natural origin. 98% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming. About Atelier Populaire The young Parisian brand Atelier Populaire manufactures natural cosmetic products that are as organic as possible. They are handmade and certified organic by Ecocert according to the COSMOS standard, as well as labeled Cosmébio and Slow Cosmétique. At Atelier Populaire , we do everything: formulation, manufacturing, stamping, graphics, communication... And we stick to it. Our desire to put passionate craftsmanship back in the heart of Paris involves mastering the entire value chain. Thus, everything is produced within our organic cosmetics factory located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. Atelier Populaire , an organic cosmetics manufacturer, was created in 2018 and has its own facilities in the 19th arrondissement. We started our business by launching several cold-process superfatted soaps and are currently working on developing other organic cosmetic products. Our conviction? Organic must not only be committed and local, but also glamorous and effective! Technical sheet Origin France Capacity 50 ml Composition Full Spectrum Hemp Oil, Sesame Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Sunflower Oil, CBD, Fragrance, Vitamin E Certification COSMOS ORGANIC CBD concentration 1% Conservation Store at room temperature, in a dry place and protected from light.

    4 in stock

    30,20€ 15,10€

  • Sale -20% Déodorant solide - Détente cellulaire CBD - HerBeevor Déodorant solide - Détente cellulaire CBD - HerBeevor

    Atelier Populaire Solid deodorant - Cellular relaxation CBD

    6 in stock

    CBD Deodorant - HerBeevor | Solid Deodorant | COSMOS ORGANIC Discover HerBeevor's CBD deodorant , a new solid and natural formula that revolutionizes underarm care. COSMOS ORGANIC certified, this deodorant contains CBD isolate, known for its anti-stress properties, as well as effective ingredients to fight against perspiration and bad odors. The Benefits of HerBeevor CBD Deodorant Sweat absorption: Thanks to white clay (kaolin), sodium bicarbonate, magnesium hydroxide and diatomaceous earth. Odor control: Sodium bicarbonate, magnesium hydroxide, triethyl citrate and zinc ricinoleate. Natural formula: Alcohol-free, aluminum-free, with a fragrance of natural origin. Anti-stress action: Thanks to CBD isolate. Eco-friendly: Recyclable aluminum can. Features of Solid Deodorants | New Formula Our solid deodorants are designed to provide long-lasting protection against bad odors. They are 100% natural, with a creamier formula for easy and pleasant application. Certified organic by Ecocert according to the COSMOS standard Cosmebio and Slow Cosmetics labels Vegan and Cruelty-free Without palm oil derivatives Handcrafted in Paris Practical and Ecological Our solid deodorants come with a wooden spatula to make their application easier. The spatula fits perfectly into the aluminum box, making the deodorant easy to carry anywhere. Ingredients Ingredient Property Cocos nucifera oil* Moisturizing Magnesium Hydroxide Absorbs sweat Kaolin White clay, absorbent Sodium bicarbonate Odor control Triheptanoin Emollient Copernicia cerifera cera* Carnauba wax, texturizing agent Microcrystalline cellulose Absorbs sweat Triethyl citrate Odor control Zinc ricinoleate Odor control Cannabis sativa seed oil* Moisturizing, soothing Diatomaceous earth Natural absorbent Scent Natural origin Magnesium Carbonate Hydroxide Absorbs sweat Limonene** Naturally occurring allergen Linalool** Naturally occurring allergen Eugenol** Naturally occurring allergen Geraniol** Naturally occurring allergen Citral** Naturally occurring allergen Cannabidiol Anti stress Tocopherol Antioxidant *Ingredients from Organic Farming **Allergens naturally present in the perfume 100% of the total is of natural origin 38% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming Labels and Certifications COSMOS ORGANIC, certified by Ecocert Greenlife Cosmebio and Slow Cosmetics labeled Vegan and Cruelty-free Without palm derivative Without aluminum salts Zero plastic: infinitely recyclable aluminum case Made in France, in Paris Usage tips Daily use, repeat if necessary during the day. Take a small amount using your finger or a spatula. Spread directly onto the armpit until completely absorbed. The creamy and melting texture is easy to apply. The practical format to use and transport is ideal thanks to its flat and wide aluminum box.

    6 in stock

    15,05€ 12,04€

  • Sale -20% Savon à froid - Soin Exfoliant - Détente Cellulaire CBD - HerBeevor Savon à froid - Soin Exfoliant - Détente Cellulaire CBD - HerBeevor

    Atelier Populaire Cold Soap - Exfoliating Care - CBD Cellular Relaxation

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    9 in stock

    CBD Exfoliating Treatment - Cold Process Soap | Cosmos Organic Discover our cold saponified exfoliating soap with CBD , ideal for washing while exfoliating the skin. The synergy of CBD and organic hemp seed cake stimulates blood microcirculation and helps regenerate epidermal cells. This soap is perfect for soft and radiant skin. Benefits of CBD Exfoliating Soap Gentle Exfoliation: Organic hemp seed cake gently exfoliates, promoting cell regeneration. Soothing Properties: CBD isolate, known for its soothing properties, reduces irritation and skin stress. Natural Ingredients: Composed of 100% ingredients of natural origin, 72% of which are from organic farming. Artisanal production: Cold saponification, preserving the beneficial properties of the oils. Key Ingredients Ingredient Role Sodium cocoate** Mild cleaning agent Sodium sunflower seedate** Moisturizing and nourishing Glycerin** Natural moisturizer Sodium hempseedate** Rich in omega 3 and vitamins Scent Fresh and vegetal fragrance Cannabis sativa seed oil* Soothing Hemp Oil Limonene*** Natural allergen present in the perfume Linalool*** Natural allergen present in the perfume Eugenol*** Natural allergen present in the perfume Cannabis sativa seedcake powder* Gentle exfoliant Cannabidiol Soothing and anti-inflammatory Tocopherol Antioxidant vitamin E *Ingredients from Organic Farming **Processed from Organic ingredients ***Allergens naturally present in the perfume Use and Conservation For a vigorous scrub, use the soap directly on the skin. For a gentle scrub, rub the soap between your hands before applying to the area to be exfoliated. For daily use, use a shower flower to minimize the sensation of the grains. Store the soap away from heat and light, on an openwork soap dish to prevent it from melting too quickly. Labels and Certifications This CBD soap is certified COSMOS ORGANIC by Ecocert, guaranteeing ingredients of natural origin and from organic farming. It is also vegan, biodegradable, and palm oil free. Discover Our Range of CBD Cosmetics Explore our full range of CBD and organic hemp oil cosmetics , designed to reduce the manifestations of stress on the body and mind. Our products use 100% pure and natural hemp oil, first cold pressed, grown in France, and COSMOS certified CBD, pure and without psychoactive THC. Customer Reviews Our customers particularly appreciate the CBD exfoliating soap for its cleansing and soothing properties. Here are some reviews: "A perfect exfoliating soap for my sensitive skin. It leaves my skin feeling soft and refreshed." - Marie L. "The best soap I have used, it exfoliates gently and moisturizes perfectly." - Jean P. Also See Explore our range of CBD cosmetics : CBD facial care CBD body care CBD Oils All CBD products

    9 in stock

    8,99€ 7,19€

  • Sérum anti-âge CBD Asabio - HerBeevor Sérum anti-âge CBD Asabio - HerBeevor

    Asabio CBD Anti-Aging Lifting Serum - Asabio

    8 in stock

    CBD Anti-Aging Lifting Serum - ASABIO Discover ASABIO's Anti-Aging CBD Lifting Serum , designed to regenerate and strengthen your skin. This natural serum effectively fights the first signs of skin aging. Natural Benefits for Regenerated Skin Nature provides us with many elements and molecules that allow our skin to regenerate. To prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging or to fight against skin aging, ASABIO has developed this anti-aging lifting serum. To quickly and deeply regenerate your skin, hemp seed oil and cannabidiol (CBD) have been extracted from organic hemp, grown in a completely natural way, to obtain all its benefits. Key Ingredients Hemp Seed Oil : Provides beneficial nutrients, moisturizes and restores skin's natural softness thanks to its richness in vitamins, omegas, fatty acids and other essential nutrients. CBD (Cannabidiol) : Known for its strong antioxidant and regenerating action, it fights against the first signs of skin aging. Hyaluronic Acid : Hydrates and protects the skin from external aggressions, considered the real 'cement' of the skin to fight against the aging of the epidermis. How to Use the Anti-Aging Lifting Serum To use this serum, apply a small amount to the desired area and massage gently until fully absorbed. Use regularly for optimal results. Product Features Volume 20 ml CBD concentration 120 mg Brand ASABIO Certifications 100% Organic, ECO-BIO Certified Ingredients AQUA, ALOE BARBADENSIS LEAF JUICE**, TRITICUM VULGARE GERM OIL, HEPTYL GLUCOSIDE, GLYCERIN, SODIUM HYALURONATE, CANNABIS SATIVA SEED OIL**, HYDROLYZED HYALURONIC ACID, CANNABIDIOL, ROSA DAMASCENA FLOWER OIL**, BORAGO OFFICINALIS EXTRACT, PAULLINIA CUPANA SEED ACT , CITRUS LIMON CR PEEL OIL**, CYMBOPOGON MARTINI OIL**, PELARGONIUM GRAVEOLENS STEM LEAF OIL, HYDROGENATED ETHYLHEXYL OLIVATE***, HYDROGENATED OLIVE OIL UNSAPONIFIABLES***, TOCOPHEROL, HELIANTHUS ANNUUS SEED OIL, ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS LEAF EXTRACT, PARFUM, DEHYDROACETIC ACID, BENZOIC ACID, GERANIOL*, LIMONENE*, FARNESOL*, LINALOOL*, CITRONELLOL*, CITRAL*, BENZYL ALCOHOL. Benefits of ASABIO Anti-Aging Lifting Serum ASABIO's anti-aging lifting serum is recognized as one of the best forms of application to combat skin aging. It combines a multitude of natural components, made available by plants, allowing the rapid regeneration of skin cells while strengthening it in a 100% natural and organic way. Precautions for Use Store away from light and heat. CBD products are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. CBD products are not intended for minors under the age of 18. Store your CBD products under lock and key, out of reach of children and animals. CBD products are not medicines and cannot in any way replace treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional. If you are taking any medical treatment, consult a healthcare professional before using CBD products. Price: €36.90 SKU: 8594200200411 Category: Hemp & CBD Cosmetics Order Now Restore youth and vitality to your skin with ASABIO's CBD Anti-Aging Lifting Serum . Order now and enjoy the benefits of this natural and organic product.

    8 in stock


Découvrez Tous Nos Produits CBD : Qualité et Variété Assurées - HerBeevor

The Complete Collection of Quality CBD Products

Welcome to our page dedicated to discovering our wide range of CBD products. We offer you premium quality products, designed to meet all your wellness needs. Whether you are looking for products to relieve pain, improve your sleep or simply improve your overall well-being, we have what you need.

Why Choose Our CBD Products?

Our CBD products stand out for their exceptional quality and effectiveness. Here’s why you should choose our products:

  1. Purity & Effectiveness : Our products are made from organic, non-GMO, and pesticide-free hemp. Each batch is tested by third-party labs to ensure optimal purity and effectiveness.
  2. Product Variety : We offer a variety of CBD products, including oils, capsules, creams, and gummies, to meet all of your specific needs.
  3. Customer Satisfaction : Our priority is your satisfaction. We offer a satisfaction guarantee on all our products and a dedicated customer service to answer all your questions.

Our Different Types of CBD Products

Discover our diverse range of CBD products designed for different uses:

  • CBD Oils : Perfect for precise dosing and rapid absorption.
  • CBD Capsules : Ideal for those who prefer easy and discreet intake.
  • CBD Creams and Balms : Designed for targeted relief of pain and inflammation.
  • CBD Gummies : A delicious and convenient way to consume CBD.

The Benefits of CBD Products

CBD products offer many health and wellness benefits:

  • Pain Relief : CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress : CBD can help calm the mind and reduce stress.
  • Improved Sleep : CBD may promote more restful sleep.
  • Immune System Support : CBD helps strengthen the immune system through its antioxidant properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to use our CBD products?

  • Oils : Apply a few drops under the tongue and wait 60 seconds before swallowing.
  • Capsules : Take one capsule with a glass of water, preferably after a meal.
  • Creams : Apply a small amount to the affected area and massage gently.
  • Gummies : Consume them like any other candy, according to the recommended dosage.

Are our CBD products legal?

Yes, all our CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC, thus complying with current legal regulations.

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